Sunday, September 14, 2008


Our inaugural Big Rock Boardriders AGM will be on Saturday 4th of October at 7pm in the South Seas Gallery, at 1088 Brighton Rd.
If you are a Past or current member or just contemplating joining please
feel free to attend.
BRB intends to be a fun affordable club that caters to 'free' and 'competitive' surfers of any skill level , riding any surf craft from body boarders to SUP'ers!

The following will be formally voted in:
Womens rep
SISA Representative

as well as agreeing to our constitution!

If you are unable to attend and there is anything you would like added to the agenda, or any queries please leave it as a comment to this post or email us

See you all there!

Successful Cleanup

Great turnout of Big Rock members for the Brighton Community Cleanup day. Thanks to everyone who gave up their saturday morning for a good cause.

Above, the group that turned up at 9am. Over the morning at least twice as many filtered in and set off with bags to clean up. A bunch went down the coast in a Ute to scour the lay-bys and carparks, while another stayed on the domain and Brighton beach and gave it a thorough comb over. It was unbelievable how much rubbish there was in the bushes surrounding the domain, mostly family picnic rubbish and wrappers from confectionary bought at the shop. Andy and Jimmy painted over the graffiti in the mens toilets. The text went out to all the local primary school kids that there was free sausages and drinks if you helped with the cleanup, and the place was soon buzzing with young kids doing their bit for the community (and the free sausage).
Below: Andy and Jimmy painting over the graffiti in the domain public toilets.

Above: Scott and Keith, the two saddle hill community board organisers with just a portion of the rubbish collected. Some crazy stuff was found including an old full tin bath, toaster, crocpot, tyres, so many choc bar and icecream wrappers.. cans and glass bottles.
Below: left, trailer piling up with some of the Kids, and right: the after cleanup BBQthe after BBQ.

And then there was the after cleanup, after feed,, .. surf..

Top: Jimmy, with injured knee kicks it on the body board. below: Chris making the drop.

Animation, Andy, above Jay

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beach Cleanup 13 September


Saturday the 13th of September at the Brighton Domain as part of the Clean up New Zealand Week the Saddle Hill Community Board will be hosting a Community Clean Up day.

9.00am until Midday.

Please meet at the Brighton Domain Car Park

Then a BBQ will be supplied for all the volunteers who have helped with the clean up.

What to bring, yourself a friend, some warm clothes and a smile.

We will supply the gloves and rubbish bags.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ISA Judging Course 2008

hey looks like its going to be alot cheaper, only 1 place remaing, if you guys want to do it better get on to it if you havent already!

Posted by: John on 05/08/2008 08:32 PM ISA Judging course to be held in Christchurch on September 13th 2008 (Saturday)

Venue New Brighton Boardriders Club (Underneath Pier)

Time 8.45am Start 9.00am

Cost $85.00 (Subsidised by $150.00) or "Free" for refresher course (if you've done the SNZ Level 1 before)

We did receive some funding so, the updated costs are above.

It would be great to have at least one member per club attend.

Please register through the SNZ website as we are limited to 20 participants. Click below link
Any questions please direct to Lewis Joyce via SISA
or Lee Ryan