Their will be some slight changes with regard to the financial year, which is in bold, if you would like to see anything added or modified, please let us know!
Rules of the Big Rock Boardriders club
1) The Name of the club shall be “Big Rock Boardriders Club”.
2) In these rules, unless a contrary intention applies “Club” means the “Big Rock Boardriders Club”. “Officers” means the officers appointed under Rule 19 of these Rules: “Year” means the financial year as referred to in Rule 28: “Special Resolution” means a resolution passed by a three quarters (3/4) majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting.
a) To foster surfing in Otago in all its various forms.
b) To hold surfing contests including inter-club contests.
c) To encourage and support family involvement in surfing, its lifestyle, culture and values.
d) To provide a forum for encouraging the interaction between surfers of all ages.
e) To make representations to Government Departments, Local Bodies, including the Dunedin City Council and Regional Bodies, including Environment New Zealand, in order to sustain and enhance surfing venues and events.
f) To liaise, and act in conjunction with the South Island Surfing Association, fellow South Island surfing clubs and Surfing New Zealand Incorporated.
g) To make submission to the Dunedin City Council and/or other Local Government, Central Government bodies and/or any other regulatory or administrative bodies on general environmental issues. To bring appeals to the Environment Court and/or the High Court on matters and issues affecting the environment and in particular (but without limitation) environmental issues concerning water quality, discharges of effluent and contaminants into water bodies (and in particular rivers, estuarine and oceanic waters) and the preservation, safeguarding and enhancement of surfing breaks including associated shorelines, and access to the surfing breaks.
h) To bring general civil actions in any judicial or quasi judicial jurisdiction, relevant to the protection, preservation, safeguarding and enhancement of surfing breaks and access to them including civil actions to prevent the despoliation of coastal areas and oceanic water and to safeguard the health of members and their families in relation to surfing.
i) To generally adopt, follow and be guided by the precepts and principles of the Surfrider Foundation.
j) To develop facilities for attaining the objectives of the club.
k) To seek funding both in relation to the Clubs surfing focus and in relation to environmental issues that the Club decided to be involved in.
l) To affiliate with and obtain membership of the Surf Rider Foundation.
m) To lobby for political support regarding the Clubs objectives.
4) The Club shall consist of those persons now members and such other persons as shall from time to time be admitted according to the Rules in force at the time.
There shall be three classes of membership:
a) Adult membership
b) Student membership
c) Family membership
Membership classification
a) Adult Members shall be those who are 18 years of age or over at the 1st of January whom are working or receiving a benefit
b) Student Members shall be those who are under 18 years at the 1st January or studying full time at a tertiary institute.
c) Family membership shall be more than one individual living at the same address (two votes only, applicable).
6) Every application for membership shall be on the prescribed form and accompanied by the appropriate subscription. In the event of an application being declined by the Committee the Secretary shall return to the applicant the full amount paid.
7) Subscriptions may be determined from year to year by a resolution of a General Meeting, but if not so determined in any year shall be that subscription from the previous Club year
Payment of Subscription
8) All subscriptions shall be payable as from the day immediately after the Annual General Meeting.
9) Any member who is unfinancial shall not be entitled to enjoy the privileges of the Club.
10) Any member wilfully disobeying these rules, or guilty of misconduct which in the opinion of the Club is contrary to its objectives, may be expelled by a Special Resolution at a General Meeting provided that the member is given fourteen (14) days notice of such intent.
Alteration of the Rules
11) These rules shall not be added to, altered, or rescinded except by a “Special Resolution” passed at a General Meeting, provided that not less than seven days notice shall be given to all Club members of the proposed additions, alterations, or rescissions to be brought to such meetings, provided always that accidental failure to notify any member shall not invalidate the meeting if this Rule is being substantially complied with and provided that all notices of motion of any such proposed additions, alterations, or remissions shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting.
General Meeting
12) The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in the month of October in each year upon a date and at a time and place to be fixed by the Committee. The Annual General Meeting shall;
a) Receive audited accounts of the financial year ending 30th September.
b) Receive from the Committee a report on the activities of the Club.
c) Elect the Officers of the Club as provided in these rules under Rule 19.
d) Decide on any resolution which may have been duly submitted in accordance with these Rules.
Notice of General Meeting
13) Notice of the date and place of any General Meeting shall be notified to all Members at least seven days before the date thereof and notice of the business to be transacted at such meetings shall be posted to members at least seven days before the date of such meetings. Accidental failure to notify and members shall not invalidate the meeting if this rule has been substantially complied with.
Special General Meeting
14) The Committee may at any time, and shall on the requisition in writing of at least ten percent (10%) of the total of Adult members, Student members and Family members (which requisition shall set out in the form of resolutions the business proposed to be transacted at such meetings), convene a Special General Meeting for any specific propose or purposes. This meeting shall not be held any more than twenty eight (28) days after the date of the receipt of the requisition by the Secretary, and if the committee does not do so within that period the members making the requisition may themselves convene a meeting.
Procedure at General Meetings
15) At all General Meetings, the chair shall be taken by the President, or if not the President, the next most senior member of the Committee present. In the absence of any Committee member, it shall be taken by a member chosen by the meeting.
16) Every Adult and Student member present shall have one vote. Every family member present shall have one vote, and limited to two votes per Family membership. In the case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
17) The quorum at a General Meeting shall be ten percent (10%) of the total financial membership of the Club.
18) Voting shall be by voice, but if any member so desires, the Chairman shall call for a show of hands or by ballot if so required.
19) The executive of the Club shall consist of the President, Club Captain, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive shall have the power to act on behalf of the Committee where by reason of emergency, or otherwise, it is impractical for the Committee to be convened.
In addition the elected Committee shall have the power to co-opt a maximum of five (5) additional Committee members with full voting rights and who shall be Members of the Club, with the provision that any, or all, of the five so co-opted Committee members may at the option of the elected officers be removed from the Committee.
20) The President shall at some time previous to the election as President have served on the Committee. In the event of no candidate for the office of President fulfilling this requirement the Club may then elect a President who has not served on the Committee.
21) The executive and Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, but shall have the power to fill casual vacancies from member of the Club.
22) A defeated nominee for an Executive office shall be automatically eligible for election to the Committee if that person wishes.
23) Officer job descriptions shall be defined from time to time by the Committee.
24) The Committee shall have the power to appoint such subcommittees as it considers necessary.
Meetings of the Club
25) A meeting of the Committee may be called at any time by the President or secretary, and shall be called within seven (7) days of the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by three (3) members of the Committee.
Quorum of the Committee
26) At the meeting of the committee (4) elected Committee members shall constitute a quorum and the Chairman shall have casting vote.
27) The Auditor shall be appointed each year by the Committee and shall not be a member of the Committee.
28) The financial year of the Club shall end on the thirtieth (30th) day of September in each year to which date the accounts shall be balanced.
Bank Accounts
29) The Club shall have a current account at a Trading Bank and/ or Savings Bank and such other bank accounts as may be deemed necessary for the operation of the Club. These will be operated by the Treasurer alone
Accounts and Balance Sheet
30) An income and expenditure account and a balance sheet shall be prepared and audited each year and shall be presented to the Club at the Annual General Meeting.
Duties of Members
31) Every member shall notify the Secretary in writing of any change in address and all notices posted to such address shall be considered as having been duly given.
32) The Committee may make a charge to users of any Club property of privilege and to charge for any damage thereto.
Capital Expenditure
33) Any capital expenditure proposals above the amounts of $2000.00 shall be presented at a General Meeting for approval, complete with projections of benefits of the proposal.
34) All funds of the Club shall be paid into the Club’s Bank Account and any part thereof may, if the Committee so determines, be invested on fixed deposit through such Bank. Any other investments shall require the approval of the members in General Meeting.
Borrowing Powers
35) The Committee shall have the power to borrow such amounts and on such terms as it thinks fit, and to give such security as the Committee deems expedient for the repayment and interest. Any borrowing other than that from the Club bankers or members shall require the approval of members in General Meeting.
Winding Up
36) Upon the winding up of the Club, after payment of all its liabilities, its properties shall be disposed of in a manner provided by a Resolution passed at a General Meeting of the Club and confirmed at a further General Meeting called for that purpose not earlier than thirty (30) days after the first General Meeting of the Club, and such Resolution shall be sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies, provided that no distribution whether by way of monies, property, or otherwise shall be made to any member of the Club.
RULES ADOPTED at Dunedin this day of 2008
Club Captain