Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Meeting Minutes 9 August 2008

Collection of fees from most members.

Meeting began at 7.30pm

1088 Brighton Road, Brighton Dunedin

SISA AGM late August, so resolved we will pay for affiliation of the club after 1 of September

SISA judging course coming up mid September, if we can send one person for free we will, those interested:

Jimmy Crooks

Nathan Lungley

Leroy Rust

Will phone SISA regarding getting a second person into the course.

Will try again to contact SNZ regarding affiliation.

Big Rock logo design concepts to be developed by members.

Discussed meeting with South Coast Boardriders, will invite a member of their committee to participate in our next club meeting.

Will organise a September spring beach cleanup, date to be confirmed, aiming to cleanup Brighton/Ocean View area, possibly further south if possible.

Make a submission to the DCC for the installation of public toilets at the main Ocean View car park.

Posters which have been distributed so far are inaccurate, and new updated posters must be distributed.

Decided to have another club competition/ fun day on Sunday 24th Aug

Possibilities include:

Dress up, uglyboard, bit of surfing, etc.

Will make enquiries regarding picking up some gear for learners and grommets who want to get into surfing.

Meeting concluded 8:30pm

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